About dey.shin
Daniel E.Y. Shin
I’m Dan Shin, a software engineer who anchored his presence at deyshin.com. Unusual problems tend to find their ways to my desk - and I concur them to get another. I left 8086 Assembly and C++ behind at college, and moved onto C# and JavaScript. At the moment, I’m using Selenium heavily to stress test an WebApp.
Please refer to me as Dan or dey.shin, whichever you fancy. If you wonder how dey.shin should be read as…
dey is read [dē], like the word key is read [kē]. It’s initial letters of my first name & middle names.
This website is built with Hexo, using customized version of ‘cactus-dark’ theme. The site is hosted at GitLab. Source code can be found at deyshin.gitlab.io repository